Friday, March 13, 2009

Youtube: No more free advertisement

I like, don't get me wrong.
But I'm sick of my videos getting taken off. So I took them all off. So I won't have to worry about it any more! You should too
We give their stuff publicity:
Some of us work our butts off to get stuff on youtube. And then we put it on and it gets a couple thousand hits! And someone who sees that video, who might have never heard that song before it if not for that video, likes that song enough to go out and buy th CD! Well great we just got that record company 15 dollars! And you know how they repay us?
That video that you took so long to make?That one that you spent forever trying to get just perfect?Gone. All because someone at a Music company points a finger saying 'He put a song on youtube that I own! And this person is getting me money that I would have otherwise have never had!But seeing as I own it, and I can, its coming off!'
In reality, I my self have found hundreds of songs that I liked so much that I went out and bought the C.D. I have bought about a total of about 10 CDs my self. But I'm not the only one am I?
If you have ever bought a CD or bought it on tunes or a similar sight,becuse of a song you found on Please sign your youtube account name next to one[1], as a comment.
Now if you have gone and recommended that song to someone,anyone, and they have bought it or passed it on to someone how has bought it. Sign your youtube account name next to a two [2], as a comment.
If you have ever gotten your video taken off because of some music company pointing a finger at you, sign your youtube account name next to a three [3], as a comment.
Now if some one else with that same song hasn't gotten their video taken off because some how yours was copyright and theres wasn't sign your name next to a four [4], as a a comment.
And if you want to do something about it, sign your name next to a five [5], as a comment.
Spread the word. Post this web addresses on your account, tell a friend, announce it in the middle of a crowded hallway, because in 2 months I hope to have one thousand names to take to Free advertisement at our coast ends here.
Don't let me down,

1 comment:

  1. 1.Wearefalling
    Stand up and FIGHT!
